Friday, December 23, 2011

Is Prince Hall On The $2 Bill?


There is a popular urban legend that a depiction of Brother Prince Hall appears on the back of the two dollar bill.  The back of the bill shows an etching drawn from John Trumbull's painting, “Declaration of Independence."  In the etching, a dark-complected figure sits in the middle of the front row of seated delegates at the Second Continental Congress and some believe this must be Prince Hall.  However, for all his accomplishments, Brother Prince Hall, as a historical fact, was not present at that meeting.  It turns out the dark complection of the man in question is a product of the etching.  Further examination of the painting from which the etching has its origin shows the person sitting in that position to be Robert Morris.


Bro P said...

Is it true that the Boston tea party was actually a search for a lost charter? Thank you and look to the East.

Anonymous said...

Same thing I've heard Brother. Also was told that was Brother Prince Hall and that wasn't true. Who knows.