Friday, November 11, 2011



Nothing particularly Masonic today, but we're celebrating the fact it's 11/11/11. It only happens once every hundred years.  Some interesting information about 2011 - This year, there were four very unusual dates.  You’ll have to live another hundred years to see these again: January 1 (1/1/11), January 11 (1/11/11), November 1 (11/1/11) and November 11 (11/11/11). For the purists, you'll have to live a lot longer to see 11/11/11111.

If you take the last two digits of the year you were born and add it to your age on your 2011 birthday, the sum will be 111.

Finally, today being traditional Veterans Day, the binary number 111111 translates to 63, the exact length of World War I in weeks, where there was full Allied involvement.

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