Captured and taken into slavery as a youth, Maewyn, a.k.a. Patrick, escaped to the European mainland. While a slave he had converted from paganism to Christianity, and once on the continent, he sought refuge at Marmoutier Abbey, a French monastery. There, he accepted his calling, which was to convert other pagans to Christianity. With that, he returned to Ireland and became very successful at making those conversions. In a manner of speaking, the "serpents" he figuratively chased from Ireland were the pagan Druids, not actual reptiles.
a successful ministry, Patrick retired to County Down, where he died
on March 17, 461 A.D. Although never officially canonized by the
Catholic Church he is, in fact, recognized as a saint; and today we
celebrate the Feast of St. Patrick, or St. Patrick's Day, on the
anniversary of his death.
even in Ireland prior to the late 18th
century, St. Patrick's Day was not that big of a deal.
The same was true in North America,
where the
churches in Boston, with its large Irish population, didn't recognize
the day until 1737.
what," you may ask, "does this have to do with the
twenty years later, during the French-Indian War, a young Masonic
Colonel recognized the morale among his troops was low and decided
they needed what today we would call some "down time." It
was March, at the end of a long, brutal winter and many of the troops
were Irish. It didn't take the Colonel long to figure out the best
day to declare a general holiday would be St. Patrick's day.
Several years later, that same
Freemason, now a general in the American Revolution, faced a very
similar problem. Billeted at Morristown, New Jersey, his troops were
discouraged after a long winter of devastating fighting and losses.
On top of that, the preceding winter of 1779-80 was brutally cold.
That General, George Washington, again had many Irish troops under
his command and once again he saw the opportunity of celebrating St.
Patrick's Day to boost morale. With that, Washington issued the
order giving his troops their first day off in over two years, “The
General directs that all fatigue and working parties cease for
to-morrow the SEVENTEENTH instant, a day held in particular regard by
the people of [Ireland].”
respite from the ravages of war and winter went over well with the
troops, some of whom were said to celebrate with a "hogshead of
rum." Washington is credited with establishing the first
instances of a secular celebration of St. Patrick's day, a tradition
which caught on and has grown to become a major event today, with the
hogshead of rum long replaced by
freely flowing green