Monday, May 23, 2011

Brother James Madison


James Madison (1751-1836) is usually not considered to be one of the US Presidents who was a Freemason, but strong evidence exists that he was a member. On February 11, 1795, Brother John Francis Mercer, Governor of Maryland, wrote the following to Madison in a letter which still exists in the Library of Congress: "I have had no opportunity of congratulating you before on your becoming a Free Mason — a very ancient and honorable fraternity." John Dove, an early Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Viriginia said Madison was one of the original founders of Hiram Lodge 59 in 1800, where he became a charter member. On Sept 20, 1817, Madison marched in procession with Charlottesville Lodge 90 and Widow's Son Lodge 60 to lay the cornerstone of Central College at Charlottesville (later the University of Virginia).  Perhaps most telling, however, were the attacks made on him during the anti-Masonic period.  It is safe to conclude just about the only thing not known about the Masonic status of James Madison - Most likely Brother James Madison - is the name of his original Lodge.